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Female Royal Peers

Poster: JenThies <jthies@polaris.umuc.edu>

This is posted by Genevieve on Countess Bera's request.

The Rose.

I write this by what I have seen and done in this fair kingdom. I ask
you judge me not by my age, but by my actions and insights.

Each Rose starts out as a seed with its own individual qualities and
potentials. The Atlantian soil this seed is planted into is never the
for any two roses. Some soil is politcally rocky, and some is well
and fertile.

Regardless, the combination of Atlantia's spirit and one woman grown
together  results into a stunning hybrid. That hybrid is the rose. She
honored for who she was, how she grew with Atlantia, and what she meant
her people.

Once her reign has ended, these strengths and abilities do not diminish,

but stand ready to further serve her kingdom. When her skills and advice

are sought and/or needed, she must be as gentle as a rose petal or as
as a thorn, depending on where such qualities are needed. Or, in the
of a guy I like;)You must be "as cunning as vipers but as gentle as
The individual nature of each Rose determines where she shall employ her

particular strengths. But in all things, she promotes the health and
well-being of the kingdom by upholding the principles and ideals that
nurture its spirit and its people. For as Atlantia's Queen, she was one
with both.

Countess Bera Thorbjarnardottir, Lady of the Rose.

As a child, my mother obsessed about the good sissors.  This worried me,
it implied that there were lurking, somewhere, the evil scissors.


  “When so many hours have been spent
  in convincing myself that I am right, is there not
   some reason to fear I may be wrong?”
 -Jane Austen

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