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Re: reply to newcomer looking for help -Reply
Poster: Brian Elliott <"amalric"@erols.comz.maxson.com (remove the z)>
I thought you were in Lochmere, not Caer Mear. My mistake! Where in Caer
Mear do you live? Mavi can lend you clothes and gear that you may need,
but if you are near me and my lady wife we would be glad to help you as
well! We have fighter practices twice a week, and the Tuesday practice is
also an Arts & Sciences day for non-fighters.
-Sir Amalric Blackhart
Ed Whitfield wrote:
> Poster: Ed Whitfield <Ed.Whitfield@rich.frb.org>
> Thank you for the Chatelaine tip. I do believe the
> office is held by Mavi of Black Diamond. If that is not
> true then please correct me!
> Thank you,
> Edward of Whitfield :-D
> >>> Arawynn of Ravenhall <arawynn@ipass.net>
> 10/15/98 03:30pm >>>
> Poster: Arawynn of Ravenhall <arawynn@ipass.net>
> Forgive me, good gentles,
> but in response to our newcomer going to his first
> event, did anyone
> happen to mention a chatelain? We have a position
> that fills the needs
> of the newcomer. The officer should be equipped with
> loaner clothing,
> feastgear, and any information a new person could
> wish to have!
> This is why the position of Chatelaine exists. Make
> use of our
> rescources!
> If anyone has the contact info for the
> Chatelaine/Castellan for Caer
> Maer, you might want to send it privately to this gentle,
> so that they
> may be further helped. I think it is important to have a
> little time to
> accustom oneself to the SCA before having to go
> crazy finding feast gear
> and garb!
> Please forgive if this has been said before, I get the
> digest and only
> have time to skim usually.
> In Service to the Dream,
> Lady Arawynn of Ravenhall
> Baronial Arts and Sciences Minister- Windmasters'
> Hill, Comp. of the
> order of the Pearl, AOA, past Baronial A&S Champion
> -WH, and a few other
> and sundry Baronial awards, and I want Eogan to
> send me those dirty
> verses to Grandmother's House!
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