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Re: Newcomer in search of help! -Reply

Poster: "Michael Jeffrey Looney" <barderic@mailcity.com>

>Especially at your first event, these do not have to be of any particular 
>material or style.  If you don't have anything that looks midieval, you 
>can make do with raiding your china cabinet at home, at least until you 
>can get something more appropriate! :) 

Actually, I ahve plastic omes b/c I KNOW that if I had anything breakable, they'd never MAKE it to the event!
Well, my mug is mettle, but the rest of my gear is plastic, but my knife and spoon (still looking for a fork).

Tristin de Roquelaure ("idiot savant")
Kingdon of Atlantia
Barony of the Windmaster's Hill
Canton of Buckston-on-Eno
"Als thai haf wryten and sayd
Haf I alle in myn Inglis layd,
In symple speechs as I couthe,
That is lightest in manne's mouthe.
Alle for the luf of symple men,
That strange Inglis cannot ken."

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