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Re: Sumptuary Laws
Poster: Robert J Welenc <rjwelenc@erols.com>
At 11:01 PM 10/15/98 -0400, David KUIJT wrote:
>> Could anyone please tell me what the sumptuary laws concerning
circlets in
>> this Kingdom are? What is the maximum width for an AoA, are
>> and/or enameling allowed. What about a mounted stone? Thank you.
>> Lady Ginevra
>There are no sumptuary laws concerning circlets in Atlantia. No
>restrictions, no restrictions on pictures, enamelling, or mounted
>The only restrictions are SCA-wide ones: embattled circlets are
>for Counts (like moi), strawberry leaves for Dukes, balls in various
>numbers reserved for Baron/ess or Viscounts.
Your pardon, O Embattled Hat Person -- but there are no SCA-wide
standards for viscomital or baronial hats. Laurel Sovereign of Arms
has never codified such standards -- indeed, past Laurels have
specifically declined to address the issue.
From the 12/92 LoAR cover letter:
On the question of regalia for Society Orders
Some while back, the question of regalia came before the Board of
Directors. The regalia for the SCA-wide Orders are currently
defined as follows: strawberry coronets for Dukes and Duchesses;
embattled coronets for Counts (Earls) and Countesses; a rose
wreath for the Order of the Rose; a closed circle of chain, and a
white belt or baldric, for the Order of Chivalry; a laurel wreath
for the Order of the Laurel; a pelican for the Order of the
Pelican. Additionally, Laurel has ruled (LoAR cover letter of 30
July 84, p.5) that "the right of all SCA members to wear a simple
thin circlet to hold their headdresses/hair down should not be
abridged in any kingdom in the SCA." Except for those
restrictions, there are no Society-wide sumptuary laws; the forms
of baronial or viscomital coronets, for instance, vary from
Kingdom to Kingdom.
In addition, there was mention on SCAHRLDS this week that a friend
was hassled by an Atlantian seneschale over her new purple garb. She
was told that purple was a restricted color. I see nothing in
kingdom law about it; anybody know where this apparent Urban Legend
came from?
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