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Fwd: Lecture by Dr.Fleck
Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <longshipco@hotmail.com>
This message was sent at 8:30 am on October 16th, 1998
I received this from a Markland contact. Dr. Fleck is the man who wrote
the norse name book widely used in the SCA. I thought heralds in the
area might be interested, as well as anyone interested in Germanic or
Norse studies.
Rhiannon, would you please forward this on to your Northern Atlantia
heralds list? The last message I sent to the Rose was returned three
days later not delivered. Hotmail and the Rose (or is it me?) don't
seem to get along.
- Anarra
>The Maryland Medieval Mercenary Militia hereby gives relatively short
>notice (sorry) of an upcoming lecture by Dr. Jere Fleck of the
Germanics department. The lecture will have the same format as
previously, an open question and answer session with Dr. Fleck on any
topics you care to ask him. He specializes in Norse subjects and
Germanic linguistics.
>The lecture will take place on Tuesday, October 27, in room 3205 of
>Jimenez Hall at UMCP, starting at 6:15 PM. Light refreshments will be
>Questions? mail Nikki at nprive@wam.umd.edu.
>From 495:
>Take the south exit onto Rt. 1 (maryland side, between 95 north and 295
north) towards College Park. Go a few miles south on Rt. 1. Turn right
into campus at the light at Campus Dr/Paint Branch, right after you pass
the Jerry's Pizza on your right. Proceed into the circle around the big
flower-M. Take the second exit out of the circle, heading up the hill.
At the top of the hill, the road curves to the left, and another road
breaks off on the right. Take the right road (at Cole Field House) and
proceed into the very large parking lot. You may park free of charge in
lot 1 after 4:30 pm. Be sure to read the fine print on the parking lot
signs and make sure you are in lot 1. Jimenez Hall is behind the Health
Center, which is located directly opposite the Student Union on Campus
Drive. Walk back the way you came from the parking lot, and look for
the Union and the Health center after you pass Cole Field House.
>From the North:
>Take 95 south to 495. At the split at 495, get in the second right
lane, heading towards 495 west/south, not 95 south. Take the left exit
off of the split labeled 'Rt 1'. This will take you to 495 immediately
before the Rt. 1 exit. Watch the signs carefully, it is a little tricky.
Proceed as in above directions.
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