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Minors at events

Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <t_neill@hotmail.com>


I joined the SCA as a minor when I was 12 years old.  My parents have 
never attended an event.

I have been duena to minors going to events on several occations.  I 
have dealt with all these issues from both ends.

First, I have no idea what the US and Canada now require for bringing 
foreign minors across an international boundry.  I suggest you and she 
find out.

Second, she will need identification to get back into Canada.  A drivers 
license or state ID card works as ID to get back into the US if one is a 
US citizen.  Find out what Canadian Customs requires.  (I went into 
Canada as a minor-without-parents several times.  I had an Oregon ID 
card for YEARS before a driver's license.)

Third, the SCA requires that a minor present a signed minor waiver at 
the gate.  The minor waiver states: "The Minor will not be able to 
participate in any SCA activities without entering into this agreement."  
Unless she is a member of the SCA and has already had her parents sign a 
minor waiver and has a blue card, she will need to get her parents to 
sign a copy of the minor waiver.  The waiver is online at 
"acorn.atlantia.sca.org/forms-waiv.htm" or should be available from your 
group seneschal.  Rabah publishes it in the acorn occationally.

Fourth, if you don't obtain temporary guardianship papers, then get a 
signed Consent for Medical Authorization.  In the US, doctors and 
hospitals are not allowed to treat minors without their parents' consent 
unless the injury is life-threatening or poses danger of sustained 
injury.  They also aren't allowed to release minors into the custody of 
anyone other than their parents/guardians.  A Medical Authorization form 
allows the named parties to agree to that stuff and to remove the minor 
from the facility.

A copy of the Medical Consent Form is on An Tir's web page.  Go to their 
Constable's Handbook page.  There is a link to the medical consent form 
there.  The An Tir Constable's Handbook states that the SCA *REQUIRES* 
all minors at an event without parent or legal guardian to have a signed 
form on their person and in the posession of the accompanying adult.  
I've never looked up to see if that's and SCA-wide requirement or just 
An Tirian Kingdom Law, but it OUGHT to be an SCA requirement, IMO.  I 
certainly never take a minor to an event without one.

I've been told by a hospital in Richmond, that Virginia requires the 
form to be notorized when signed.  When I take minors to an event in 
Virginia, I get their parents to notorize the form.  Your state law may 


   - Anarra Karlsdottir
     Duena Extraordinaire

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