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Re: New Armor Book / Viking Book

Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <t_neill@hotmail.com>

Magnus the well-informed wrote:

>Secondly, they are also selling Bertil Almgren's big book The Viking.
>This is the one that has all the line drawings of damn near everything
>the Vikings had or did (the one with the particularly unflattering
>personal portraits). It has been on sale for some time for $20.
>This is a reprint, a hardback and is quite good. If I were looking
>for some artifacts like tools or furniture to reproduce, here is a 
>good start.

This is a great book if you already know a lot about Viking stuff.  Be 
very leery of using it as a first source, however.  The womens' clothes, 
at least, are based on old and disputed data.

The drawings, however, are wonderful!  If you know the original of the 
thing being drawn, and want to make one for yourself, it's a great 
source for that.

I call it "The Prune People Book"  You'll know why as soon as you look 
at the illos.


   - Anarra (Viking to Crusader is my bible) Karlsdottir

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