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Kingdom Crusades, "kid stuff", part one

Poster: "Rowanwald Central" <rownwald@gte.net>

   You all know those long trips home - seatmates run out of things to talk
about, some sleep, and others spend the hours thinking of things to
make/acquire/improve. Such were the direction of my thoughts while
traveling home from the Crusades. I was thinking about kid's stuff.
Children's activities at many events suffer from lack of
medievally-oriented themes, understandably, since we are somewhat dependent
upon modern resources for supplies. But it shouldn't be that way, needn't
be that way - we have many talented people who can adapt or modify things
modern into things medieval(ly flavored). And if they all made just one
half-hour game or craft kit in advance (say for 20 children), we'd be
overwhelmed with things to do each event. So I am posting some ideas here,
requesting that you exercise your fertile brains to post something
yourself, and challenging you to put together one kit - stored in a
zip-lock bag with directions for the activity printed on a piece of paper
inside so that YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO BE THERE (as long as some volunteer
is there to read your directions). This means that fighters, archers,
merchants, A & S organizers, cooks, trolls, and all other event-involved
persons of talent can support our younger members without talking away from
their own persuits. So on to the list....

Court Ribbons: strips of finished cloth, fabric glue, decorations or
stencils and fabric paint/markers. The children can craft their own (or
gift, or prize) ribbons to wave during the "vivat" portion of Court.
Canton, Shire, Baronial or Kingdom color themes would be nice....
approximate cost for 20: under $10.

Game:Pirate's Treasure (or Dragon's Horde, or whatever thematic title you
dream up): Round Balloons, a string, a stake (or an old Nissan car key) and
some sort of hard candy or other multiple-round/multiple winner prize. To
play the game, arrange the children in a circle around the staked string.
Attach an inflated balloon to the string (blowing up the balloon can be a
"prize" or Honor in itself). One child is the "dragon", the other is the
"knight". With hands clasped behind their backs (an important safety
feature), the knight has 10 seconds to get past the dragon and pop the
balloon (removing the protection spell, as it were). If the knight
succeeds, s/he become the new dragon. If the dragon succeeds, s/he
continues to protect her/his horde - I'd suggest that the dragon get
"magically" turned into a dwarf after three successful rounds so that the
other children get a chance at it. The winner of each round gets a small
prize. Try to ensure that each child comes away with a prize, even if they
must be rewarded for honorable behavior, excellent maneuvers, kindness to
opponent or some such. There should be no "losers".

Belts - supplies needed: round rings (key rings can work and are cheaper to
acquire at some craft stores), fabric strips made of wide bias tape or
fabric cut and pre-sewn, a rivet or grommet kit, hammer, some form of
decoration for the belt (studs,rivets or such to hammer on, or fabric glue
and decorations, or fabric paint/markers).  If you use a grommet kit that
contains the long (usually blue) tool designed to hold grommet(or snap) and
fabric together (which also serves to keep fingers away from the strike
area), the children can hammer with delight - always a fun activity, and a
taste of making their own armor or garb... cost: variable due to supplies,
under $20

Belts II - supplies needed: round rings, three or more colors of heavy
yarn. Divide the children into couples. Cut the yarn into 72" lengths,
gather the lengths into "clumps" of three, loop the middle of each clump
through the ring and then have one child hold the ring while the other
braids or knots their belt. Try to team up children who know how to braid
with ones who need help (to encourage teamwork and courtesy). cost: under

Duck, duck, goose is (so far we know) a period game - only an instruction
sheet is needed.

Red light/green light can be renamed "Lay on/Hold" and serve the purpose of
teaching children to stay still when a hold is called.

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