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Re: [Fwd: Need Greenville, NC contact]

Poster: Dan & Hilda Mackison <g7f3h7gv@coastalnet.com>

How about... me?

(252) 753-8528

rmhowe wrote:
> Subject: Need Greenville, NC contact
> Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 17:39:16 EST
> From: Lordgaelan@aol.com
> To: Atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
> Poster: Lordgaelan@aol.com
> I need to find a contact in Greenville, NC.  I know of several people that are
> interested in joining the SCA, but do not know anyone local.
> Please contact me so that I may pass along e-mail address, etc to them.
> Thank you in advance,
> Gaelan

| Some people claim to have nine years experience     |
| when they actually have one years experience .    . |
| repeated nine times.                        / \__/ \|
+---------------------------------------------\  ||  /+
| Dan Mackison                                 \ ||X/ |
| dan.mackison@pobox.com                        \||/  |
|                                                VV   |
| http://www.geocities.com/~swashbuckler/adventur.htm |

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