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Archery Marshalling class at Crown Tourney

Poster: Lorenzo <detoma@erols.com>


I will be holding an Archery Marshaling class at Crown Tourney. The class
will be held immediately after the Tourney. If you are interested in
becoming an Archery Marshal, this is your opportunity! Please bring your
membership card or Acorn label when you attend. Many thanks to THL Feline'
Von Behren for doing all the hard work to make this possible.

Also, there will be an archery tournament at 10:30 on that day organized
and run by THL Feline'. It sounds like it will be really neat, with over 18
targets! Please make sure you come early enough for equipment inspection.

If you have any questions regarding the class, please drop me a line. Any
questions on the tournament should go directly to Feline (lbudzier@juno.com)


Lord Lorenzo il Confuso
Deputy Kingdom Archer Marshal, Northern Region

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