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Re: On Angels

Poster: Heather Swann <heather@pop.net>


Flights of angels......may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest......


> >Since there are obviously more than 9, and heralds do not count higher than 8, the heraldic answer is "Semy of angels".
>                    Alanna<
> UT OH!
> Um...what happened ot the other 2 fingers??
> And what about the toes????
> >or we could take the position that anything with
>                     wings is gonna be proud of them and therefore wave them about.<
> But then they wouldn't be TRUE angels b/c God didn't creat angels that are Prideful/Boastful accoreidng to the common belief of the time, and so they would most likely be dhanceing simply with tier wings folded.
> >what DOES one call a group of angels?)<
> I would guess it's okay to use flock, but their notated as "Heavently Bodies", but then so are stars, so I guess that means Angels are Stars, no?
> Always,
> Tristan

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