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Re: UL's-lets move on... Pilgrim's Progress

Poster: Lorenzo <detoma@erols.com>

Thanks, Lady Thyra, for an excellent segway...

Speaking of Pilgrim's Progress, last year after the event I posted a note to the
Merry Rose saying how much we enjoyed the event. I would like to encourage
everyone again to attend Pilgrim's Progress, this Saturday in Tir-y-Don. The
archery was awesome! They had a huge (like 15 feet tall) picture of a tall ship
complete with cannons and exploding powder kegs. It was an absolute hoot to shoot
at. They promised they will have it again this year. The team competition was
great also, with 4 groups participating, and Highland Foorde (ahem, don't mean to
toot our own horn here :) taking the prize by one point on the last shot. Court
was also... well, different. A few pirates stormed the manor, and it wasn't quite
the same thing once they took over.
It really was a great event, and we'll definitely be there again this weekend.

- Lorenzo

Beiskaldi@aol.com wrote:

> Poster: Beiskaldi@aol.com
> In a message dated 98-11-09 15:25:59 EST, you write:
> >
> >It only takes a few minutes to check on Snopes or the like for an indication
> >that it's an urban legend; and you may be saving someone some grief by *not*
> >posting it.
> >
> >Mario
> >
> >
>   Very true milord--remember the UL about the people whose kidneys were
> stolen?  Well, my father had a kidney transplant many years ago--needless to
> say, that particular one didn't go over with me very well.
>   Anyway, speaking of wasting bandwith and dead horses, I believe this gentle
> has been sufficiently chastised today, enough info has been spread that when
> someone thinks a missive smacks of legend they know where to go now.  Lets
> move on to more interesting subjects like Pilgrim's Progress and Holiday
> Faire...
>   (Anyone who feels the need to flame me & get it off their chest is welcome,
> but please not here, send it privately so others' mailboxes arent stuffed with
> more things to delete.)
> Lady Thyra
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