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Re: women only tournies(long)

Poster: Josh <dungeon@norfolk.infi.net>

>With her saying that, I know that this has been said numeriopus times
before, and probably will again, rehashed over and over agian, but I feel
diheartened when I go to do art things (like danceing, ofr instance), and
there's about a 100 women, and maybe one or 2 otehr guys there.
>I, personally, feel intimidated in instances like this.
>But I want to also take the time right now to think the few guys that DO
come out and participate in something besides the fighting.
>Thank you.

Greetings from Tristan ap Elwin,
I find womans tourneys demeaning to woman just for the simple fact woman
fighters are a minority, and the skill levels are less define. What I mean
by that is no way derogatory. Think about it. Lets look statistically at it.
You have 50% of your fighters on the field in general that are novice(less
than 2 years experience(approximating here know),30 % who have been around
the block a few times, 10% who are really good and awaiting reconition(such
as winning crown or being knighted), then you have your 10% of
dukes,duchess, knights,count/(ess)s and viscount/(ess)s. If you take the
limited number of woman fighters (I only know of three  out of a few dozen
fighters I know fight in my home barony) and take out the few that show up
to a Womens tourney. Its very demeaning since as shown above most fighters
out there are of lesser skilled, since as in any art the skilled are far and
few between, which in turn leads to a invalid perception of the ability of
woman fighters as a group. 
  As for dancing, my limited stumbles of dancing show that dancing to any
newcomer is very ackward and sometimes lead to personal embarassment. But I
think if I dance even though I not good at it more will participation.
Everyone fears being the first and the last at the same time in anything. So
maybe seeing all the tristans out on the dance floor will lead to more
people dancing..... One day I will be good at it. As for scroll work the
ohhs and awws cover up that disheartening feeling. Me doing Embrodery
dresses up my garb without paying someone else to do it. Since anyone knows
me knows how limiting my cash flow is! 
Tristan ap Elwin
Scribe, Maker of Embrodery, past fighter 

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