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Re: Good Cookbooks with period soups

Poster: rmhowe <magnusm@ncsu.edu>

Josh wrote:
> Poster: Josh <dungeon@norfolk.infi.net>
> Greetings,
> I was wondering if anybody know good cookbooks with period soups in them.
> Reason why is I looking towards xmas. I am always telling my mom how great
> the soup is at events. She makes homemade soup, but its just not the same!
> Regards,
> Tristan ap Elwin
Can't say how period this is but Barnes and Noble is selling 
Twelve Months of Monastery Soups, by Brother Victor-Antoine d'Avila-
Latourrette. From simple, clear broths, to thick and hearty soups this 
collection of 175 recipes, arranged by month with an eye toward seasonal
variety, sam ples every vegetable native to North America. 2 color
(Broadway, 198pp. PB 0767901800 Pub. $16, Sale $12.80
1-800-the-book, One Pond Road, Rockleigh, NJ. 07647
Shipping $3 per order, plus .95 cents per item.

They also are selling Oakeshott's Records of the Medieval Sword now
for $29.95, which is about $70 less than I seem to recall Museum
Replicas selling it at the last few years. I think they also have
a cheaper paperback version as well. His Archaeology of Weapons book
is now selling for $10 in hardback, though I did see some on the
cheap table in hardback for $4.95. Records of the Medieval Sword
was NOT in the local store, and the price was higher to order it than
in the catalog.

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