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Re: Other 12th night events

Poster: "Scott C. Burke" <sburke@exis.net>

> This reply by Patricia - Erlich has nothing to do with it as he is out
> saving the world tonight.

Small\'smol\ adj [ME smal, fr. OE smael; akin to OHG smal small, L malus
bad] (bef. 12c)  1  a: having comparatively little size or slight
dimensions  b:  LOWERCASE  2  a:  minor in influence. power or rank b:
operating on a limited scale  3  lacking in strength (etc. many meaning
follow - omitted for brevity) 7  a: mean, petty   b: reduced to a
humiliated position

Smallclothes  \'smol-.klo(th)z\ n pl (1796)  1:  close-fitting knee
breeches worn in the 18th century 2: small articles of clothing (as
underclothing or handkerchiefs)

Ah, the heck with it!

The word small dates back to before the 12 century with the above listed
definitions.  The boys are little, they are not strong, the have limited
power, they are in effect SMALLS.

The phrase smallclothes dates to 1796 per WEBSTERS, not period by any

Now that I feel; 7 b: reduced to  a humiliating position (read SMALL)  and
you and I have each been 7 a:  mean and petty (read SMALL) perhaps I will
just stay home and wash the smallclothes while the authenticity police
dance and make merry.


> Good gentle, forgive me but you have just pushed one of my rant
> buttons.  In period "smalls" refers to one's smallclothes --
> _underwear_.
> What is the problem that we in the SCA have with the fine old period
> word "children"?
> Alanna
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