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Fw: minstrel: OOP - my filk attempt

Poster: "David Ritterskamp" <blackbow@mindspring.com>

[For those who might wonder about how to get "Ansteorra" to scan:

the original lines:

>>          His eyes are cold and restless,his bruises almost healed,
>>        And she'd give half of Texas, just to change the way he feels.

a viable alternative:

>>          His eyes are cold and restless,his bruises almost healed,
>>        And she'd sell Ansteorra, just to change the way he feels.


Ld. Jonathan Blackbow
who at times succumbs to the addiction of looking over someone's shoulder
and offering helpful commentary

>Poster: "Joyce A. Baldwin" <jocetta@ibm.net>
>Yes, quite amusing.  Curious, though -- did you leave "Texas" in there
>because you couldn't quite figure out how to get "Anteorrra" to  scan :-)?
>(Yes I know Ansteorra includes Oklahoma, too, but I don't know if it has a
>Texas only principality.  We really must have a Geography of Foreign Lands
>class soon.)
>>                                 SCA
>>                       By: Gavvin Quinn
>>                   Tune: Rodeo (Garth Brooks)
>>          His eyes are cold and restless,his bruises almost healed,
>>        And she'd give half of Texas, just to change the way he feels.
>>        She knows his love's in Elfsea, She knows he's goin' away.
>>     Well, it ain't no woman flesh and blood, it's that damned old SCA!

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