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Re: Which Atlantian Knights are the 7 Dwarves?!?

Poster: Wayne Precht <wayne_precht@yahoo.com>

---David KUIJT <kuijt@umiacs.umd.edu> wrote:
> Note that altitude is not a determining factor, so Thorbrandr and
> don't get off easy here.  In fact, I'd like to nominate Galmr for
> -- after all, he had a saga written in his first reign describing
him as
> Grim-visaged Galmr.  Although Gyrth can glower with the best of
them, so

Hey!  Just because I've been quiet doesn't mean I am not listening
(although that *is* uncommon).  Actually, Hossein Ali Qumi wrote the
saga unprompted.  And, somehow escaped punishment for reading it in
Court at Sea Wars...  

As everyone undoubtedly already knows, the Norse saga is the height of
literary achievement.  A form which few authors ever even attempt. 
The original is preserved at:
for the curious.

(no longer Grim (with the right pain medication))

| L. Wayne Precht                    | wayne_precht@yahoo.com        |
| Asst. Director for Development     | 301-985-7336 (voice)          |
| Computer Aided Learning & Research | 301-985-7860 (fax)            |
| UMUC                               | http://apollo.umuc.edu/~wayne |

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