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[Fwd: Re: Cavalier things]

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Subject: RE: Cavalier things
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Here's a web site on timber-framed houses.
It says it starts with houses in the 13th century and goes to the 19th
century, focusing on houses in England and Wales.  Here's a little
excerpt from the intro:   
	"The emphasis is not on Great Houses or Stately Homes but on the
simpler dwellings of 	cottagers, merchants and yeomen, although many of
the last two were wealthy. Nor is it a 	complete scholarly dissertation
ranking with academic sources - I am not an expert and the
	bibliography, college courses etc. will take you further if you want.

   	Important technological breakthroughs and techniques are described
such as the
	minimization of damp, the invention of the chimney, the use of glass in
windows. "

Has some nice pictures, links, bibliography, glossary of terms, and
descriptions with drawing of different types of timer frames.


-----Original Message-----
>From: styrbjorn@juno.com [mailto:styrbjorn@juno.com]
Sent: Monday, November 23, 1998 7:56 PM
To: sca-arts@raven.cc.ukans.edu
Subject: Cavalier things

Does anyone know of good books or web sites on the Cavalier period that
focus on the things rather than the history?  I'm looking for info on:
ceramics, wooden furniture, buildings, weapons, and costuming.  

Thanks in advance!
Styrbjorn Ulfhamr

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