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scribe of the month is now live!

Poster: Becky McEllistrem <beckymc@MICROSOFT.com>

The scribe of the month page is now LIVE thanks to my deputy, Lady Genevieve

The first scribe of the month is: 

                                       Master Tristan Alexander.

Many may have seen his artwork on display at Pennsic, Kingdom's Crusades and
at Crown Tourney
and now we have more examples on display on the web.  His work is truly

We hope (obviously) to have a new scribe every month and if you are to be
the scribe
of the month you will receive at least 30 days notice. The scribe of the
month will be chosen 
completely at random.  

The hope is to have a mix of scribes that includes laurels and beginners so
the scribes
can get to know each others' work and Atlantia can get to know the scribes.
This is truly 
an exciting announcement for me because it has been a goal that I've wanted
to complete 
for a long time!

NOTE: Some of you may have seen Master Tristan's work already on the web
site but I
was unable to officially announce until all forms had been signed, etc.
This has been a
page under construction for a long time, and I'm glad it's finally here!
Thanks again to
Lady Genevieve and Master Tristan - both very patient people!

web address:  http://scribe.atlantia.sca.org/scribemonth.htm

Lady Rebecca the Contrary
Clerk of Signet, Atlantia
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