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Re: Llewelyn

Poster: "MTR/AAHR" <wolffe@onslowonline.net>

Another very good work is by Morgan Llywellyn , 'Wind from Hastings', which
tells about the King's wife, Edyth, and her disappearence, based on fact,
but a work of fiction.  Well, worth the read for the historical value.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sharon Henderson <meli@agent.infodata.com>
To: atlantia@atlantia.sca.org <atlantia@atlantia.sca.org>
Date: Monday, November 30, 1998 15:27
Subject: Re: Llewelyn

>Poster: Sharon Henderson <meli@agent.infodata.com>
>>Legend has it that after Llewellyn was slain, the Welsh came to Edward
>>and asked him to name them a Prince, one born in Wales of royal blood,
>>who spoke neither English nor French.
><nitpick mode>
>On behalf of one of my favorite persons in Welsh history, I feel
>it is important to somewhat update this timeline.  :-)
>It would have been after the judicial murder of the ACTUAL last native-
>born Welsh prince, born of the Welsh royal line -- Dafydd ap Gruffydd,
>Llywellyn's youngest brother and heir by direct decree -- that any
>assigning of Welsh lands would have been done.  Dafydd is a fascinating
>and complicated figure in history; if you're interested in novelizations
>featuring him, the late, great Edith Pargeter (of Brother Cadfael
>fame) wrote a stunningly wonderful series of novels on the twilight
>of Welsh independance, which can be found under the banner of "The
>Brothers of Gwynedd Quartet" (or something very like).  Sharon Kay
>Penman has also written about the brothers, but I cannot for the
>life of me remember the titles of the individual books.  Hers are
>also quite good, but the Pargeter version has a truer ring and a
>more period feel, IMHO.
>As to the legend, I had heard that Edward promised the Welsh a prince
>who spoke no English, but had not heard about the Queen being on
>campaign with him.  In any case, Edward II was no more a bargain
>than his dad, for very different reasons.  Yerg, what a family!!
></nitpick mode>
>My two cents,
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