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Re: Pennsic Letter and reference to chocolate

Poster: NAME <rissaroo@mindspring.com>

At 07:22 PM 1/7/99 -0500, Bruce C. Miller wrote:
>Poster: "Bruce C. Miller" <bmiller@mnsinc.com>
>>    *HEY!!!*  Chocolate's not period!!!!  [G,D,RLH!!!]
>> > _____
>> > |+^+|  Kevin of Thornbury
>> > |/+\|  (Kevin Maxson)
>> >  \_/   kevin@maxson.com   http://www.atlantia.sca.org
>I thought it was only SWEETENED chocolate that was not period.  Didn't
>the non-sweetened drink get transported back to Europe towards the end
>of the Society's time-period?
>--Arbogast of Diedenhofen
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Try reading The True History of Chocolate by Sophie D Coe and Michael D
Coe, two anthropologists (one of which is a professor at Yale).  It's
fascinating to read and will tell you exactly how period chocolate is.
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            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org