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RE: Leather stores

Poster: "Mohajerin, Leila" <mohaj001@onyx.dcri.duke.edu>

Actually, if you are looking for ...
"  your average 8
> oz. hide, it's a toss up.  Go to whomever's closest."
You can order these over the phone from Zack White's (or at least in the
past I have)  They also were very nice about sending me a swatch when I
was looking for something specific.  I don't believe they do this on all
pieces, but on some they will.  
The Leather company may also do this.  I have not dealt with them in
this state, but I believe they are also part of a chain, like Tandy is.

I realize this kind of defeats the local vendor you can drive to vs. the
mail order, but sometimes it is nice to know that there still is the
option of not driving clear across the state everytime you need

Another source for leather you might not have thought about is your
local shoe repair supplier (this is different than the actual repair
shop).  Not all of these sell directly to the public, but I have
purchased some leather from JH Cook and Sons in Durham.  Their selection
is more related to shoes, but you'd be surprised at what you might
find...They also have supplies like leather dye and buckles, etc.  

Sveva la Lucciola
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