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Re: OED On-Line (was Re: Elf-arrows and Shakespeare)
Poster: "H L. Falls" <hlf@holmes.acc.virginia.edu>
> Poster: "Joyce A. Baldwin" <jocetta@ibm.net>
> So how _does_ one get access to the OED on-line? Melys just moved out on
> me with her compact edition and I have started to drop hints towards my
> birthday in July...but if it's online...oooh!
> Jocetta
My apologies for accidentally getting people's hopes up -- several
folks have asked about this...
The OED online is licensed to the Virtual Library of Virginia (the
"VIVA Consortium") which consists of the publicly supported colleges
and universities in Virginia. If you have an account with one of
these institutions (mine is at UVA), you can access it at:
but if you don't have such an account, you aren't permitted access...
Again, I apologize for raising false hopes. I bet I remember this
embarrassment the _next_ time I get an urge to gloat!
--Landi, contrite
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