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Re: OED On-Line (was Re: Elf-arrows and Shakespeare)

Poster: Robert J Welenc <rjwelenc@erols.com>

At 03:19 PM 1/28/99 -0500, ladywindsor@altavista.net wrote:
>Poster: ladywindsor@altavista.net
>I have no problems accessing the OED at 
>And I'm not a student at on of the Virginia schools. I've been able
to access it whenever I've needed to from whatever computer I happen
to be sitting next to.
And a very interesting site it is -- but where does it let you look
up a word?  On the Word of the Day page, there is a nice little box
titled  "Find the OED Online Entry for a Word or Phrase:", but when
you type in a word and tell it to search, it asks for a user name and
a password.

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