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Duke Jafar al-Safa

Poster: SCAVard@aol.com

I have learned from a dear friend in the Middle that Count Jafar al-Safa will
be posthumously honored with the title of Duke at Candlemas XII in Dragonsmark
(Lexington KY) on Feburary 6th.  His lady-queen, Countess Kenna Harve, will
accept the title in his name and memory.  (Jafar's first, and only, coronation
was in Dragonsmark in October, 1993, so the site has special significance.)

I will be at Unevent on the 6th, and will lift a glass in His memory.  Any who
wish to join me will be welcomed.

Gentles looking for more information about Candlemas XII are recommended to

For the dream, I remain,
// Vard //

Lord Edvard Gayer
Chronicler, Barony of Dun Carraig
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