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Poster: nix@iolinc.net (Malone, N.)

This one hasn't become an Urban Legend Yet but It should. In 1989 a
friend and fellow scadian was working temporarily in Miami. he was thew
store manager for several fastfood restaurants that were opening in the
region. Each day he escorted the Bank deposit to be tallied by the
bank's bookkeepers. I was visiting and road along as he made rounds one
day. Several of the store and the Branch the final deposit was made at
were in VERY bad neighborhoods. As we often worked security type jobs I
knew he had a carry permit. But, his light shirt made it obvious that he
did not have a gun. He made the pickups from the drive-thru's but had to
exit the car to get into the bank ( about 60 yds). When he got out, he
drug a huge very fantasy type Axe out of the back floor. Well I had to
ask, so he replied, " Everybody has a gun around here, Nobody is afraid
of guns in this neighborhood. they expect you to have a gun and just
bring more. But you got to be a f------ nutcase to carry an axe, and
people are really scarred of crazies!" No Shit There I Was!

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