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Re: Courtly behavior

Poster: "Kristen Barry" <krisbarry@erols.com>

I too am a victim of the mundane world. I have declined assistance in many
situations because I am so used to doing for myself in the mundane world.  I
am trying to improve but there are instances where I simply can't accept
help. It is OK if I whack my poor baby against something (meaning my harp)
but I feel bad asking or accepting aid in dragging her about since she is a
bit awkward.  It is a terrible habit, especially since the kind lords who
offfer assistance would probably treat her more gently than I.

My apologies and appreciation go to those chivalrous gentlemen who offer aid
and assisstance.


>I have noticed over the last year or so a decline, in what I consider to be
>one of the more important aspects of the SCA, atleast from my standpoint.
>put it simply many of us who play now < not all> have forgotten the concept
>of, for lack of a better term, Courtly Love or the Cult of the Lady. Our
>ladies of the SCA, should be held in the highest regard, for they are the
>very reason we fight, we train, we act the way we do. Their pleasure is the
>highest award that can be bestowed upon us, more than any crown or any
>peerage given to us. It is their honor that we portray and defend both on
>the field, and off. This is not being taught anymore, or atleast it is not
>being shown if it is. I will give a example, to see a lady walk under the
>burden of several baskets, bags or even one , along the way she passes many
>able young men, whom are all either to busy, don’t know or haven’t been
>taught properly, or plain just don’t care. Years ago, this was not a scene
>that occurred in our Society, but today it is I am afraid to say a very
>common occurrence. I think what troubles me even more however is not the
>fact that the other gentlemen didn’t think enough to offer to help, but the
>look of surprise on the ladies face. That tells me" Wow, this never happens
>to me what a nice person." or in otherwords it is something that happens so
>rarely that it is a novelty to the lady. Which it should never be. That is
>but one small thing, but it’s all the small things that make the
>I could go on, but I want to atleast start small, put the thought in your
>head, and wait for discussion. Gentlemen, it is our job, no duty to act as
>such. To treat them as the utmost goal, the highest purity, and I’m sure we
>shall learn to do so again. However, it is a 2 way street. The Ladies do
>need to be worthy of the pedestal we should place them on acting with grace
>and dignity. However we must assume all are worthy of such, until they
>differently. I shall not tie up anymore bandwidth, but it is something to
>think about. I’m not saying it is the absolute correct thing, just a
>Galen The Traveller
>Capt. of His Highness’ Bodyguard
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