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Re: Courtliness, SCA, Cloved Fruit

Poster: rmhowe <magnusm@ncsu.edu>

Joyce A. Baldwin wrote:
> Poster: "Joyce A. Baldwin" <jocetta@ibm.net>
> >I can say with confidence one SCA tradition that is pretty widely practiced
> >and is NOT based in courtly love in ANY way is Cloved Fruit. 
> Did I leave anything out?
> Jocetta
> Joyce A. Baldwin
> Diva Extraordinaire
> In the Society for Creative Anachronism:
> Lady Jocetta Thrushleigh of Rowansgarth
> Exchequer, Canton of Buckston on Eno

I remember 18 years ago Lord Kyle de Loupe of Attilium putting cloves
in bunches of grapes and going hunting big time. I also seem to 
remember that the women were much more aggresive then. But then that
was before some rather wide spread and dangerous social diseases came
to the forefront. It was also before I was safely corralled, for which
I might add I am very grateful. 

I also remember cloven beef stick. :)

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