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Re: First impressions

Poster: Kathleen M Hogan <kathleen.hogan@juno.com>

My introduction to the SCA was a demo held at Central Missouri State U
back in 1981.  Calontir was still a principality of Midrealm at the time
and the Barony of Forgotten Sea was trying to get a canton started there.
 Some guy (who was later banished from the SCA) was goofing around and
grabbed me (clearly mundane at the time) and stood me up on a chair and
began auctioning me off to the highest bidder!  He was really going all
out in his "descriptions of the merchandise", flattering me like I had
never been flattered before.  The person running the demo came over and
stopped it all.  He asked the "auctioneer" to leave the demo and
apologized fervantly to me and my boyfriend (who had brought me), but I
was already hooked.  

Several years later, my mother asked me what kept me hanging out with
"those weirdos".  I told her that hanging out in bowling alleys let me
meet guys who swilled beer and belched a lot.  Hanging out in the SCA let
me meet guys who swilled beer and belched a lot and KISSED HANDS.  It was
the courtesy and chivalry of the GENTLEMEN that I met that drew me to the
SCA, and the friendships that kept me coming.  Even now, when the SCA is
no longer what it used to be (I agree that the concepts of courtesy and
chivalry are not as often seen as they used to be), I keep coming back
because I enjoy the comraderie that I find at events, despite the fact
that so many of my friends have quit coming.  I would prefer it if more
people remembered that this is a hobby, not a career, and that not
everyone can afford to be or even wants to be strictly period.  

In remembrance of the DREAM
Caitlin nicFhionghuin
House Oak & Thistle

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