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[armourpic] New Wallace Collection Armour Catalogue
Poster: Luznicky <we4@widomaker.com>
Something I recevied on another list that may be of interest.
> Hi everyone, Support a good cause, I am. Master Geoffrey
>New Wallace Collection Armour Catalogue
>Sun, 21 Feb 1999 23:10:50 +0000
>mike@srmdel.demon.co.uk (Michael Lacy)
> Greetings Fellow Arms and Armour Enthusiast; For those of you who don't
>know me, allow me to introduce myself. I am
>Michael Lacy, a recent graduate of Reading University (PhD., History) and
>long time re-enactor (aka. Earl Michael de Lacy, KSCA). I am currently
>working as a volunteer at London's prestigious Wallace Collection on a
>project that I think may be of interest to you, a new edition of the
>Catalogue of the European Weapons and Armour. The catalogue, edited by Sir
>James Mann and last printed in 1962, is in
>need of updating, and additional impetus is given to the project by the
>fact that the supply of catalogues in the Wallace Collection's storerooms
>is nearly exhausted. It is the goal of the Curator, David Edge (co-author
>of Arms and Armour of the Medieval Knight) to create a new catalogue which
>will include material from the 1986 supplement, as well as more recent
>discoveries by the conservation staff (including metalographic analysis by
>Dr. Alan Williams). It is also intended for the new catalogue to have
>photographs of _every_ piece in the collection (the current catalogue only
>has photos for a small percentage of the items in the collection) as well
>as new photographs of some of the more important pieces that will take into
>consideration the sorts of views and angles that armourers need and want
>(clean profiles, back views, inside views, overhead angles, etc.). Work is
>also currently under way to place the entirety of the catalogue
>on-line. This will be an on-going project, with new entries added as soon
>as they are webbed; the first entries should be on the Wallace Collection
>web-site within the next couple of months, so you can follow the progress
>of the catalogue project on-line. The only problem is funding; money for
>such projects is always in short
>supply, and David Edge has found that the museum's publication budget has
>been given over to the 'Fine Arts' people, leaving nothing for arms and
>armour. I have suggested that funds for the printing of the new catalogue
>perhaps be raised by appealing to the many re-enactors, armourers,
>collectors and enthusiasts, who would be inclined to purchase the catalogue
>and the following plan is being considered; A boxed set collector's
>edition of the catalogue (2 volumes) will be
>produced, strictly limited to 250 numbered copies, and available by
>subscription only. It is planned to have the catalogues available by the
>Summer of 2000, with the subscriptions taken by the end of this year. The
>cost of the limited edition will be 200 pounds sterling (about 330 dollars
>- A high price, but all for a worthy cause). The sale of these collector's
>editions would raise the necessary funding for us to print the new
>catalogues. The collector's edition will include several features that
>will not be included in the regular edition; some of the ideas being mooted
>include; - superior binding and paper, possibly the inclusion of several
>colour plates. - the inclusion of a CD-ROM version of the catalogue,
>which will have
>additional photos, essays, expanded bibliography and possibly some
>quick-time movies of helms and other items from the collection being turned
>through 360 degrees on a turntable. - a list of subscribers printed in the
>catalogue. - invitations to a special reception at the Wallace Collection
>for the
>launch of the new catalogue, possibly including private gallery tours and
>The purpose of this message it to 'test the waters' and conduct an
>unofficial poll of arms and armour enthusiasts. If you would be interested
>in supporting this important project by purchasing one or more collector's
>edition Arms and Armour catalogue for 200 pounds, please e-mail me and let
>me know. I will be reporting my findings to David Edge at the end of
>March, and if by then I have received an encouraging number of positive
>responses, I will contact all of those who have sent me e-mails and
>announce the final details of the plan and how orders for the collector's
>edition catalogue may be placed. +++As the new catalogue project is
>dependent upon sufficient funds being
>raised through the sale of the collector's edition, it is important that
>this message get passed on to all and sundry who would be interested, so
>please spread the word far and wide.+++ I look foreword to hearing from
>you on this matter, Sincerely, Michael Lacy
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