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Re: lucets

Poster: "Rowanwald Central" <rownwald@gte.net>

Baron Donal wrote:

> Please, what is a lucet?

A lucet is a small two-horned tool used for braiding cord. Most often, it
looks like a tiny lute, hence it's name. It appears to have been used from
before 700ce (the time of the artifact found in Britain) through to the
late 1800's. There are numerous post-period examples of lucets, the cord,
and instruction books - and baring the two sweetbags found in the Colonial
Williamsburg Museum (thank you, thank you, thank you Mistress Anne Hatfield
for suggesting that trip!!), no other positively-identified evidence of
period lucetted work has been found to bridge the time between Viking and

once known as the LucetLady
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