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Court Report Fomr Universtiy 27 Feb 1999

Poster: "Angela K. Pincha" <angela@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com>

Greetings faire Atlantia from Lady Mordeyrn Tremayne on behalf of Their
Royal Majesties Anton & Luned!

On this weekend past, being the twenty-seventh day of February, AS
XXXlll (1999), Royal court was held at Atlantian Kingdom University in
the lands known as the Canton of the Guardians of the Sacred Stone. The
following business was conducted therein:

Lady Rhiannon Ui Neill     - Order of the Pelican
Lord Gawain Kilgore        - Order of the Pearl
Lady Lucia Bellini         - Order of the Pearl
Lady Ysolt la Bretonne     - Order of the Pearl
Lord Rodrigo Falcone       - Order of the Golden Dolphin
Duchess Arielle the Golden - Order of the Golden Dolphin
Lord Gregory Blount        - Order of the Laurel

This report is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. If
there is a mistake or omission, please to let me know so it can be

In service to Crown and Kingdom,

Written this second day of March, being the thirty-third year of the
Society and 1999 in modern reckoning
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