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RE: An apology

Poster: Mike Dullaghan <michael.f.dullaghan@adn.alcatel.com>

On 04-Mar-99 Louise Sugar wrote:
>Poster: "Louise Sugar" <dragonfyr@tycho.com>
>I apologize for forwarding to the Merry Rose the filk I found on the garb
>list and and humbly beg your collective pardon.

Gentle lady, you have nothing to apologize for.

>It has been called to my
>attention that by posting/forwarding said post that I was exposing the SCA
>thru the Atlantia list to prosecution for copywrite infringement

Not really possible, since the Merry Rose is not a Society
publication. In addition, there is already precedent that providers of
un-moderated electronic communication channels (that would be E-mail
lists like this one) are not responsible for the content of individual
posts, so the list providers should not be at any risk either
(assuming there was any to begin with -- see below).

>since said
>filk was done to the tune of Hello Young Lovers by Rodgers and

This is irrelevant. You did not include any material in which Rodgers and
Hammerstein hold a copyright. (You can't copyright a title.)

You, personally, could be in trouble with the person who wrote the
words to the filk, since he/she/they could/would hold a copyright on the
_words_ unless they have decided not to.

If the words were posted to the garb list by the original author(s),
then even this consideration would be extremely unlikely, since
posting to a general distribution list is implicitly providing
permission to distribute.

>Such was not my intention nor was it my intention to cause harm, grief,
>discomfort, fire, plague or pestilence.

And you have not done so.

>Again I beg your pardon and will
>hence keep my posts to myself

Please don't let this misunderstanding cause you to withdraw from our

Michael the Eclectic, House Falconguard, Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia.
Vert, on an inverted chevron or, a reremouse(bat) displayed sable.

Armed man = citizen.  Unarmed man = subject.

Of course these are MY opinions! Whattya think, my EMPLOYER
could've thought this stuff up?
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