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Re: disturbing message

Poster: Robert J Welenc <rjwelenc@erols.com>

Forwarded by request.


>Date:         Fri, 5 Mar 1999 08:45:13 -0600
>From: Wes Will <wwill@siu.edu>
>Subject:      Re:  disturbing message

>A 26 or 27 year old young man left South Dakota on or about the 29th
>January, leaving word with a sister that he was going to an SCA
event of
>some sort in the Phoenix, Arizona area.  He has not been heard from
>His followup destination was to be in the area of Idaho near the
>border, which would be in the area of his grandparents, who have not
>from him either.
>If anyone has any knoweldge of the whereabouts of one "Bruce
Kenoyer" since
>approximately 29 January, please contact me post haste.  His mother
>believes him probably to be dead.
>This does not appear to be a hoax.  No moneys have been asked.  
>No complicated, convoluted stories have been told.  "I found 
>your web pages and email; have you any idea how I
>would go about asking for information about my son?" is the sum
total so far.
>Eoin Caimbeul
>Wes Will <wwill@siu.edu>
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