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Re: Re:Photojournalist's perspective on photos.

Poster: "LBednar" <LBednarHATESPAM@att.net>

With all due respect, sir,  as Rabah himself pointed out in email (3/9/99)
to the Merry Rose.... this "policy" is not yet published.  Thus it is not
yet official.  (I can forward the email, if you never received it....)

In that missive Rabah stated, "I also apologize to the denizens of the Merry
Rose for stating as policy something that hasn't been formally published as
such. I had thought otherwise, and answered a public posting in my role as
both Kingdom Chronicler and Deputy Society Chronicler based on information I
believed to be true. "

I have no doubt these rulings/interpretations *will* be published, on either
a society or kingdom level, and the prudent would probably wish to adhere to
it on that basis alone.  However, in all fairness, if we are discussing SCA
or Atlantian policy it must be duely noted that those policies are not yet
in place.


-----Original Message-----
From: SCAVard@aol.com <SCAVard@aol.com>
To: atlantia@atlantia.sca.org <atlantia@atlantia.sca.org>
Cc: srgiles@erols.com <srgiles@erols.com>
Date: Tuesday, March 16, 1999 10:55 AM
Subject: Re:Photojournalist's perspective on photos.

>Poster: SCAVard@aol.com
>That was a very nice essay on public photography, but I remind the author
>the readers) that the original questions that were being asked had to do
>publication of photographs within Atlantia's newsletters, a topic near and
>dear to my heart.
>Those questions were succinctly and summarily answered by Sayyid Rabah az
>Zafar, Atlantia's Kingdom Chronicler, when he restated Kingdom policy on
>True, Kingdom policy is much more stringent than "law" or "custom", but
>policy is not *nearly* as ambiguous as public law.  More importantly, it's
>LAW OF THE LAND within Atlantia, and is *not* open to debate.  Every
>Chronicler who holds a warrant from the Kingdom Chronicler's office has the
>duty to uphold those policies, period. So while a debate on mundane
>"law" may be of interest to some people, it has little bearing on the
>at hand.

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