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Re: Mongol cuisine (was re mud bugs)

Poster: rmhowe <magnusm@ncsu.edu>

Garrett, William wrote:
>      Magnus
>      [Garrett, William]  I hate to barge in here, being an Englishman

That's okay, it's genetic. :) One day you'll master the oars.

>      commenting on Mongol cuisine........I beleive that one of the
>      Mongols great delicacies to this day is Marmot......essentially a
>      big rat.  If I remember right it is either boiled without
>      seasoning or cooked by loading a bunch of hot stones into its
>      body cavity.

Aha! You did read and remembered my posting. Thought it would get you.
The one about Marmot fever. When I worked at NCSU the Vet school
had/has about 50 of the Groundhogs (whistlepigs) in a rabies study.
They really do whistle by the way, scared me good once.
There's not too much of a difference. So you can try this for yourself!
I remember my dad used to shoot them quite regularly with a handgonne,
and I used to get fishing rights to lord's lands by ridding their
dams and cowfields of the things. Can't remember eating one though.
Probably did. Might account for my humor.
> Now I am not a big fan of the French, but I do have to say that a
> lot of there food sounds far more palatable than
> marmot......although I gag/smirk at cross over cuisine....French-
> Mongol, boiled marmot served in a rich Bernaise.......:o)

No. No. The Marmot is thrown whole on the fire with hot rocks in it.
(Once you reach down it's throat and pull out the guts.) Then it sorta
self bastes from the inside. When it's done you pour out the sauce
that has collected inside. Mongols are always efficient. Why go to the
trouble to skin it when you can just burn the hair off? Folks'll
come from Miles downwind just to be invited. We're famous for our
hospitality you know. Mix in some fat tail sheep tail, and some airag
(horse milk brew), some goat cheese, and talk about the good old days 
of potting at Polish trumpet blowers in towers. Now we generally boil 
sheep. Oh, yes, it is very important to have a good dry, dung fire.
> France is a wonderful, beautiful country.....it should be divided
> up equally between England and Germany.  (that was a joke....)

Lord knows they've tried. French politics is just impossible, even
for the French. I think they choose their leaders by the size
of their nose. 
>      William Ringlancer of Locksley.
>      He who does not eat sea bugs.  Or marmots

I generally eat big birds these days myself. :) Diet restrictions.

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