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Re: List Admin, Viruses, et al...

Poster: "Doug and Maria, Sven and Ginevra" <ginevra@bellsouth.net>

>Poster: "Tanner Lovelace" <lovelace@cs.unc.edu>
>I seemed to have provoked a bigger discussion than I thought I would.
>For anyone that I have inadvertently offended in personal e-mail,
>I apologize.  You should never write a bunch of e-mails on the
>same topic right after having a fever for four days straight.
>However, I still must insist that the Merry Rose is not the place
>for people to post virus/security warnings.  Take this one for example:
>The Melissa virus only affects PCs.  Not everyone on our mailing
>list uses PCs.  Some use Macs and others use various unix variants.
>For them, this warning helped them not one bit.  On the contrary,
>it cluttered up their inbox with an e-mail they didn't need.  What
>about those people...?

Speaking as the proud owner of a Mac, it didn't bother me one bit receiving
the information on a virus that affects other systems.  I learned a lot.
Someday there may be a "bug" out there that will affect my system, and I
would like to hear about that as soon as possible.  Anyway, if it didn't
interest me, I'd do what I always do; hit the delete key.  That takes a
nanosecond of my time.  No bother.

Just my 2 bits

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