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Re: Crown Tourney - As I saw it

Poster: "Alexis FitzWarrin of Croom" <alexisfitzwarrin@hotmail.com>

My Dear Lord Vard:

Thank you ever so much for your wonderful description of the day's events.

Know that for every gentle who makes comment about, or focuses upon a minute 
inaccuracy, there are likely twenty others such as myself and who appreciate 
your flowing words, and who through them, know now how the day must have 
felt.  I could not be there in body, but through you, I was there in spirit. 
  My thanks.

You wove a beautiful tapestry with your words, please worry not that one or 
two of the threads may have been misplaced.

Gratefully yours,
Alexis FitzWarrin of Croom

>Poster: Jim Trigg <jtrigg@hoflink.com>
>On Mon, 3 May 1999 SCAVard@aol.com wrote:
> > During the morning hours, there were target, clout, and novelty
> > shoots. Their Majesties, Stephan and Niobe, joined the other > 
>competitors and shot several ends.  On the list, a rapier tourney > was 
>held.  There were also
>As one of those responsible for running the archery range, I can tell yuou 
>that only Her Majesty shot this weekend, amd that there were not clout 
>shoots.  I'm not sure whether there were regular target shoots or not, but 
>not before the tournament.  If they were held, it was after the tournament.

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