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Questions for Atlantia Members

Poster: 83DAVEY@cua.edu

	I am a senior English major at the Catholic University of America. 
I am studying Arthurain Legend and I am writting a paper about Medieval 
practices in modern times. I would appreciate anyone who receives this 
e-mail to take a few minutes to answer the questions below and help me 
write a coherent paper with your point of view included. Thank you.

Why do you as a person living in the twentieth century reinact 
pre-seventeenth century culture?

What turned you on to doing this event? How did you hear about it?

What do you do for a living, is there any connection?

Do you hold any rank in your region? If so what is your function? And how 
did you get this position?

What is the common theme that holds you as a group together? If it is 
just the time period in history, how did you become initially interested?

Are you a paying member of Atlantia? If so, are there any benfits?

Thank you very much for your time,
Matthew Davey
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