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Tournaments Illuminated

Poster: "Betty Rittmeyer (Bettina von Haschenfeld)" <betty@execpc.com>

Fond Greetings to the Good Gentles of the Known World,

Spring is really here!  Many of you have spent the winter researching and
re-creating some special project, and now it's time to prepare for summer's

It's also a good time to consider writing an article about HOW you
researched and re-created that special project, and submit it to
Tournaments Illuminated!

A version of the Wish List that follows will appear in the upcoming issue
of TI.  The list is not all-inclusive; rather, it is intended to give you a
general idea of the kinds of articles I'd like to see.  If you have an idea
for an article and you don't see it here, please don't hesitate to contact
me.  I'd be happy to discuss your ideas.

Instructions on how to submit articles and artwork to TI follow the Wish
List.  Again, if you have any questions or comments, I'd love to hear from

Your Servant,

Betty Rittmeyer, Editor
Tournaments Illuminated
(Bettina von Haschenfeld)
(414) 962-1392


Wish List

Articles on reproducing carved wooden dishes; making wooden furniture;
making armor; beeswax or tallow candlemaking; soapmaking; making lotions
and ointments; how to shear sheep; carting wool; spinning wool, flax, hemp,
or nettles; finishing leather and furs; making baskets and nets; making
shoes, hats, and garb.

Essays on Whitsun, Yuletide, Midsummer's Day, or other medieval festivals;
period music and dance; falconry or beekeeping; courting and wedding
customs; gambling and games of chance; medieval children's games; football
or other period outdoor games.

Period recipes for fresh (springtime) foods; porridge; bread; poultry;
making cheese or butter; making salt; salting, drying, or smoking meat;
making sausage; fruit preserves or dried fruit; making ale from grain;
making cider or spiced drinks.

Please remember that artwork, illustrations, and photography help to convey
to the reader your ideas.  Have a friend take a photograph while you are
making a basket or tending your bees.  Contact the Art Director concerning
cover art or other artwork.


How to Submit Articles and Artwork to Tournaments Illuminated

Step 1:

Photocopy and complete a Release Form, available in any back issue of TI.
This form is required for both articles and artwork.  A letter or e-mail
message giving permission to print is not sufficient.  Do not retype or
rewrite the release form.

Step 2:

Enclose a clear, typed or laser-printed copy of your article.  Please
resist the temptation to print your submission in an interesting typeface.
Courier is one of the easiest typefaces to scan.  Print on one side of the
page only, and do not staple the pages together.  Be sure to enclose any
artwork or illustrations for your article.

Hard-Copy Articles: TI cheerfully welcomes submissions from those who do
not require a computer to re-create the Middle Ages and Renaissance.  We do
ask, however, that such submissions be clearly typed on white paper.

Diskettes: If your article is available electronically, please enclose a
computer diskette labeled with your modern name and phone number, as well
as the filename and format of each file.  TI accepts word-processor and
desktop publishing files on standard 3 1/2" diskettes (Mac or IBM).
Compatible formats include Microsoft Word, Corel Word Perfect, Rich Text
Format and ASCII text.  Please don't use automatic bullets, tables, or
other formatting features as they do not convert well.  If you send a
submission on disk, please include a hard copy (printout) in case your disk
is damaged in transit.

E-mail: Electronic submissions may be sent to TI in care of the Editor, but
a hard copy of the article and release form must still be sent via regular

Artwork: Artwork should be submitted in dense, black ink on opaque white
paper.  Clear photocopies of original material are also acceptable. Contact
the Art Director if you are interested in producing a cover or interior
color art.  Please indicate the source of any illustrations which have been
previously published.

Computer-generated artwork should be submitted as separate files, not
graphics placed within the text of a file.  Acceptable formats include
TIFF, EPS, PICT, PCX and a variety of others.  More detailed guidelines for
electronic artwork are available from the Art Director upon request.

As with text submissions, please include a hard copy.  This serves as a
backup in case your disk is damaged, and also tells us what your computer
thinks it looks like.

Step 3:

Mail your submission(s) and Release Form(s) to:

	Tournaments Illuminated
	3453 N. Frederick Avenue
	Milwaukee, WI 53211

If you want your submission returned, enclose a self-addressed envelope
with sufficient postage.  Remember: a diskette is worth less than a stamp.

Betty Rittmeyer
3453 N. Frederick Avenue
Milwaukee, WI  53211
(414) 962-1392

Art Director:
Lauretta Wenger
N74 W23445 Water Tower Ct. 4D
Sussex, WI  53089
(414) 246-3158
List Archives, FAQ, FTP:  http://merryrose.atlantia.sca.org/
            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org