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memorial page

Poster: "Bryan S. McDaniel" <kestrelw@atlcom.net>

This month I put up a preliminary copy of an SCA memorial
page at


Currently there are no members listed.  If anyone wishes to 
add anything to the page they can email me.

I will take any submissions.

Before submitting a person's names please check to see
if any family member or close person would object to the
names of the departed being posted on the web.

I put the page together and I maintain the page.

There has been some discussion of the page and concerns
on the Meridian Tavern Yard.  If someone wishes to review
a condensed copy of the messages I can send them the

Thanks for your time.

Kestrel of Wales
MKA Bryan S. McDaniel
home Kennesaw GA
work Columbia SC

Bryan S. McDaniel      SCA aka Kestrel of Wales
kestrelw@atlcom.net    kestrelw@csi.com

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