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Poster: SCA-Atlantia@f120.n109.z1.fidonet.org (SCA-Atlantia)

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Original message:

Date: May 18 '99, 07:19
Attr: Loc 
From: Dave Aronson, (1:109/120.0)
To  : Jjane0117@aol.com, (1:109/120.0)
Subj: Seat Belts
Jjane0117@aol.com advises:

 J> One thing I would ask you to make sure you DON'T cover up:

 J> Your seat belts.

Indeed.  A friend of mine used to be an EMT, and says that one of his
long-term colleagues briefly explained his seatbelt fanaticism thus:

                 "I've never had to unbuckle a corpse."
 * MR/2 2.1 NR * http://listen.to/davearonson (last updated 1999-05-13)

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