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Poster: SCA-Atlantia@f120.n109.z1.fidonet.org (SCA-Atlantia)
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Original message:
Date: May 20 '99, 07:42
Attr: Loc
From: Dave Aronson, (1:109/120.0)
To : sfdowns@pinn.net, (1:109/120.0)
Subj: Nerds and Geeks and SCAj
"Susan and Frank Downs" <sfdowns@pinn.net> writes:
s> what we do for fun
s> at Casa Takenoshita is to make up our Darth names. Take a word
s> that begins with in- (like "invader" or "insidious"), remove the
s> in-, and put Darth in front (Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, Darth
s> Continent, Darth Competent...you get the idea). Big fun!
I don't think there's any such word as "inmaul"....
* MR/2 2.1 NR * http://listen.to/davearonson (last updated 1999-05-13)
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