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Poster: SCA-Atlantia@f120.n109.z1.fidonet.org (SCA-Atlantia)

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Original message:

Date: May 20 '99, 07:53
Attr: Loc 
From: Dave Aronson, (1:109/120.0)
To  : jonnyb70@hotmail.com, (1:109/120.0)
Subj: SW geek/nerd/freak scale
"David Ritterskamp" <jonnyb70@hotmail.com> writes:

 j> ...& you got tickets to see it on opening day, you're an
 j> Above-Average Enthusiast.

UNLESS, you only got the tix because you could get them without waiting
in line.  Sorry, I'm not allowed to say how I did, but relax, you
probably couldn't, without a large group.  Keys: "collective
bargaining", "advance sales", and "sweeten the pot".  B-)

 j> ...& you stood in that 12:00:00:01 line for more than one hour,
 j> you're a Dedicated Fan.

Not necessarily.  Some people would just bring a book -- especially
SCAdians!  Standing for an hour is no big deal to some people who do it
every day whilst commuting, or on sentry duty, or whatever.

 j> ...& you stood in that line for more than two hours in costume,
 j> you're a Fanatic. (note differential between the words "fan" and
 j> "fanatic".)

(though the latter is where the former came from)
 * MR/2 2.1 NR * http://listen.to/davearonson (last updated 1999-05-13)

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