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June Cooks' Guild in Ponte Alto

Poster: "R. Trigg" <fyrebyrd@scadian.net>

Good gentles:

I would like to announce the June meeting of the Ponte Alto Cooks' Guild. 
It will be held June 13 at the regular time of 6 p.m. at Kevin of 
Thornbury's home. We will be doing grilled foods and accompaniments. All 
are welcome to attend and, if you wish, bring something to make. Currently 
on the menu is grilled chicken, roasted garlic and onions, sourdough bread, 
and fresh yogurt for various sauces. 

**Request from Dame Winifred Corbet de Wynterwood (Marsha Goodell): She 
will be preparing breakfast at the Seige of Acre on Sunday, June 27 and 
needs assistance in making it. Helpers are requested to bring muffin trays 
as she does not have enough to make the amount of muffins she is planning. 
Help from the Cooks' Guild (or interested parties) would be greatly 
appreciated. (Please lend assistance if you are able to.) Contact her at 
mgoodell@osf1.gmu.edu or call her at 703-440-5093 if you can help out. 

Directions to Kevin of Thornbury's for the Cooks' Guild meeting:

Take I-66 to exit 55-B, Fairfax County Parkway (Route 7100) North. Take 
this about 10 miles all the way to the end. The parkway ends in a left-hand 

Go right on Spring Street. At the first light, go right onto Herndon 
Parkway. At the fourth light, (about 1.5 miles) go right onto Dranesville 
Road. Take an IMMEDIATE right at the next light onto Old Hunt Way. The 
house is at the end of the street on the left. 

The address is 658 Old Hunt Way. If you get lost or need clarification of 
these directions, the Maxsons' phone number is (703) 810-8438. 

I can be reached at fyrebyrd@scadian.net or by phone at (703) 941-6162 (NLT 
11 pm); we have a "butler" who will take a message if we aren't home or 
can't come to the phone.

In service to the Barony and Atlantia,

Pomestnitsa Nostas'ia Stepanova
"Leader of the P.A.C." (Guild)
Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
(mka Rachel Trigg; Alexandria, VA)
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