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Re: Emerald Joust ARCHERY Tourney Winner

Poster: Stoneking.Eric@oscsystems.com

Greetings to the Merry Rose from Henri LaGrave,

>Poster: SCAVard@aol.com

>Well, since nobody has mentioned this yet, the winner of
>the Emerald Joust ARCHERY Tourney, and thus the newest
>Kingdom Archery Champion for Atlantia, is none other than
>Dun Carraig's own Laird Muirghen Rhuadh!

Allow me to clarify and expand.  There were *two* archery
tourneys at Emerald Joust.  The traditional Emerald Prize
tourney (which to the casual observer looks a lot like
an IKAC) was won by Baron Reynard de la Rochefoucauld of
Lochmere.  Vivat!

The second tourney was the Kingdom Archery Championship
Tourney, run by the (now former) Kingdom Archery Champion
for the stated purpose of choosing a successor.  This
tourney was won by Laird Muirghen Rhuadh, who is now
indeed the Atlantian Kingdom Archery Champion.  Vivat!

I'd like to thank all those who participated in the
Championship Tourney, and all those who lent a hand.
Vivat! Vivat! Vivat!

I'll lay off the vivat's now, lest I cheapen them, but
I will make the observation that Queen Niobe is indeed
an inspiration.  She has my respect and admiration.

-Henri LaGrave
Now Former Kingdom Archery Champion

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