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Hofla this weekend

Poster: Missy Walters <missy@greenwood.net>


To all who are planning to attend the Hofla in Saluda, SC this weekend (June 11-13), please attend:

We are currently making the final preparations to greet you all this weekend, and are very much looking forward to it!  We wanted to send out a reminder to all attending that there will be a pool available on site, so bring your suits!  This is an all tenting event, so be prepared! Yard guard or some sort of insect repellant will be a good idea here!  Feast is being served, so please bring feast gear and it will be served on traditional low tables, so bring pillows to sit on for more comfort.  There will be eight seats available for those who do not wish to sit on the ground.  If you are planning to eat feast, please email me so that we can get a final head count.  You may pay at the door for feast if you are con\ming in on Friday night or early Saturday (before 11:00 AM)  There will be a meheni pary on Friday night, so bring your supplies!

If you have questions about the hofla, please call or email me, (864)227-0751) If you have questions about the directions, please call (864)445-9732

Thanks to you all and we will see you there!

Brigh Aine, House Tieglion Ban and Hebel's Herbs n' Things
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