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RE: atlantia V1 #1070

Poster: "laura yungblut" <yungblut@checkov.hm.udayton.edu>

Greetings!  I get this list in digest form so my apologies to replying  
to this well after the fact.

Someone wrote RE HRH Finn's victory in Midrealm Crown:
< > >I guess Pennsic will have a new Land person.   :)
>  Huh! Wanna bet?
>  Rosine
>  Pennsic Troll >>
> Sounds like a pipe dream mi lord. I am sure Finn would not try to do that
> one.
> Regards
> Trystan

I would like to state that HRH Finn is going to continue as the 
Pennsic XXVIII Land Agent.  HRH Tamara and The Hon. Lady Anna 
of the Western Hill will continue to work with him as his deputies.  

In service,
B. Rosamund Beauvisage, OL
Chamberlain to TRH Finn & Tamara


Domina Misericordia non domi erit hac nocte.
"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in period of 
moral crisis maintain their neutrality." -- Dante

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