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To my friends...

Poster: SCAVard@aol.com

(Please accept my sincere apologies for the impersonal "mass-mailing" nature 
of this message, but I need to get this out to my friends immediately, and 
cannot afford the possiblity of accidentally missing someone important.)

Due to a sudden and unfortunate turn for the worse in the condition of a 
terminally ill friend in Ohio, I must leave tomorrow to say "goodbye" while 
there's still a chance that he will remember who I am.  (True, I was leaving 
for Lilies War anyway, but the departure has understandably been moved up do 
to circumstances.)

I will not bore the hundreds of people who do not know me with a testimonial 
to a man that they likewise do not know.  Let me just say that his is easily 
the most influential soul whose path has crossed mine.  I love him and his 
familly as dearly as I do my own, and I will miss him greatly.

Friends -- and you know who you are <g> -- I leave you with these words as I 
depart:  Each moment is a gift, something to be cherished.  Smell the 
flowers, play with the puppies, walk on the grass, listen to the laughter of 
a child.  Don't just let life happen TO you, LIVE!  Be greedy, grab a big 
handful and enjoy as much of it as you can!  And above all else, never NEVER! 
let anyone in your life slip away without telling them just how much they 
mean to you.  You may not get a second chance.

I know I will be gone through June 21st, perhaps longer depending on when the 
funeral occurs.  Expect to next see me in Ponte Alto for the Siege of Acre.  
I will be off-line until my return.

I will see everyone in a fortnight.  Please take care of our home while I am 

// Vard //

Lord Edvard Gayer, Chronicler
Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
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