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Today in Medieval History

Poster: Mark Mettler <mettler@bulloch.net>

Good Gryffri, it's Friday already!  June 11.

Happy Birthday to...
  In 1572 Ben Johson, playwright/poet (Volpone, Alchemist)
  In 1603 Sir Kenelm Digby

On this day...
  St. Barnabas' Day
  The Glastonbury Abbey Walnut tree traditionally buds on this day
  In 1144 Dedication of the Abbey Church of St. Denis, the first great
Gothic church in France
  In 1186 The Glastonbury Abbey "Lady Chapel" is consecrated
  In 1216 Death of Henry, Emperor of Rumania (East Rome) supposedly
poisoned by his wife
  In 1231 Harderwijk becomes a city
  In 1258 Provisions of Oxford reforms proposed by Parliament
  In 1292 Death of Roger Bacon
  In 1381 "John Ball hath rungen his bell" Peasant revolt in England
  In 1488 SAUCHIEBURN; Murder of James III, King of Scotland
  In 1474 Louis XI, King of France, ratifies the "Perpetual Peace"
  In 1496 Columbus returns to Spain
  In 1509 Marriage of Henry VIII, King of England, to Catherine of
  In 1514 Coronation of Christian II as King of Norway and Denmark
  In 1517 Sir Thomas Pert reaches Hudson Bay
  In 1534 Revolt in Ireland of "Silken" Thomas Fitzgerald
  In 1559 Tristan de Luna y Arellano sets sail for Florida
  In 1560 Death of Mary of Guise, widow of King James V of Scotland
  In 1572 Spanish co-land guardian duke of Medinaceli arrives in Lock
  In 1578 Sir Humphrey Gilbert granted a charter to search
          for the Northwest Passage
  In 1611 Henrick Hudson's ship, the "Half Moon," freed from the ice
  In 1644 Florentine scientist describe invention of barometer

Gryffri de Newmarch
Chronicler of Forth Castle - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA/chronicler
of the Southern Creative Anachronists - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA
Keeper of the Book - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA/newmarchbook

"il est bon de frotter et limer notre cervelle contre celle d'autrui."
It is good to rub and polish our mind against those of others.

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